ServingOur Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Germantown, TN and Diocese of Memphis
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Germantown, TN and Diocese of Memphis
On the third Thursday each month at 6:30, Father McGivney room beside the O.L.P.H. gym
Knight of the Month: December 2024
Tony Cupido
In recognition of our Brother Knight who stands out in promotion of the principles of our Church and our Order as a “model” man for all in the parish to follow, living traditional Catholic masculine values in every aspect of service to the Church, community, and Council

Family of the Month: December 2024
Cooper Phalen
In recognition of a parish family that models Christian family values and visibly lives by them every day, making significant contributions to the parish and community, and serves as an example to other families.
- Jim Clark
- Father Jolly Sebastian
- Msgr Victor Ciaramitaro
- Colin Turey - pray for his soul
- Virginia Kilgore
- Susie Bardos
- Michael Bardos
- All Fathers
- Beth and Troy Traxler
- Howard Giffin
- Barbara Galina
- Lisa May Temple
- Domonic Signaigo
- Greg Rich
- Mike Lenahan
- Dave Wetzel
- Helen McGowan
- Tom Wilson
- Judy Sahm
- Emma Shelton
Right to Life
Calling all Catholics!
We need to remind our legislators to support pro-life legislation. Please use this letter template to contact your legislators. You can find out who your legislators are by entering your zip code at the National Right to Life website:
Supporting Charities
Delivering proceeds from events...

The world needs courageous men to witness to Jesus Christ.
Cor exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity.
Lifting our hearts and minds to GodFORMATION
Becoming like ChristFRATERNITY
Centering brotherhood in ChristKey Elements of Cor
Cor consists of three key elements which must be present for every gathering: prayer, formation, and fraternity. The word 'cor' is Latin for heart and the root of the word courage. Prayer, Formation, and Fraternity all begin with the heart and direct the heart in relationship to God and each other. These three elements build and strengthen each other and help provide consistency.
Faith in Action
Lead your family and community in faith and service through our programs.
A Higher Purpose
Knights come from every stage of life, in countless corners of the world. Join us as we celebrate real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect and defend.